4 Nisan 2014 Cuma

How does satan reach people? By what methods does he try to make them stray from their course?

Allah mentions in the Qur’an that satan whispers evil suggestions in people’s hearts. Believers are advised to seek refuge in Allah ”from the evil of the surreptitious whisperer who whispers in people’s breasts.” (Surat an-Nas, 4-5) This is the most insidious tactic of satan. Most people do not realize that the thoughts in their minds are from satan. They think that all their thoughts are their own. For instance, someone who is just learning religion is an important target for satan. He may make religion seem difficult to this person. Or he may tell him that what he already does is enough and more is not required.

This person may think that all this is true. Or satan induces feelings like fear, anxiety, stress, and distress in people, and aims to exhaust their energy. He tries to prevent them from doing good and charitable deeds and thinking soundly. One must be aware that all these things come from satan, seek refuge in Allah and pay no heed to satan’s whisperings. Furthermore, it must not be forgotten that satan’s influence on people lies at the root of all evil, wars, massacres and debauchery in the world.

How does satan reach people? By what methods does he try to make them stray from their course?

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